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Skin Surgery Clinic

Skin Surgery Clinic

Skin Diagnosis / Surgery / Skin Cancer Checks

Auckland is at COVID-19 Level 3.
Skin cancer care is an essential service.
The clinic is open, with special Covid-19 precautions.
If you prefer to stay home, you can use our online photo consultation tool - Online Spot Check - click here

Over 100,000 cases - Dr. Sharad Paul, MD has personally inspected over 100,000 suspected cases of skin cancer. Put your skin in the hands of a globally recognised expert. 

Internationally renowned - Dr. Sharad Paul, MD teaches skin cancer medicine and lectures internationally on surgical procedures and medical practice. 

Dedicated to the community - Dr. Sharad Paul’s philanthropic activities through his registered charity Baci Foundation has given thousands of children access to books, educational equipment and a complete mobile education unit. 


*A spot check is skin cancer examination. This can be for 1 spot or several. This does not involve any prescriptions or treatments. If you require a procedure after an examination one can be scheduled for you. NOTE: Insurers normally cover the cost(s) for the examination & procedure – some insurers do not cover checks if a procedure is not needed - it is recommended that you check your policy. 

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Professor (Dr.) Sharad Paul

Skin MD / Skin Cancer Expert

Dr. Sharad Paul graduated in 1988 and established the  Skin Surgery Clinic in 1996 with a mission to provide skin cancer surgery at affordable cost.

With over 100,000 patients seen Dr. Paul's wealth of experience and prior surgical training is impossible to deny.

The clinic is able to handle all aspects of skin cancer – from the simple mole removals, to complex ear/nose/eyelid/lower limb skin cancers that need complex reconstructive techniques.

Since 1996, the Skin Surgery Clinic has performed over 45,000 operations, making the centre known for one of the largest series of skin cancer patients worldwide.

A noted skin cancer academic, his medical textbook is  considered a guide for dermatological surgery worldwide.  Discover more about Dr. Paul here.

2001: Clinical Achievement Award for 'outstanding clinical achievement' in the field of skin cancer surgery (Waitemata DHB)

2003: Health Innovation Award, NZ Govt. Ministry of Health

2012: NZ Medical Association Chair's Award

2015: Ko Awatea Excellence Award for 'Leading (health) Improvement on a Global Scale'

Recently. I came across Dr Paul while attending Professional Certificate course in skin cancer at the University of Queensland. I was very impressed with his teachings from which we all benefited. His presentations were interesting, easy to understand and up to date… I have spoken to many of the attending doctors and found them to be full of praise and grateful to Dr Paul. I have put in practice some of the skin flaps he taught with great success.

Prof. Dr SB Sen Gupta FRCS, FRACS
Consultant Surgeon Emeritus. University of New South Wales, Australia

We need Dr. Sharad Paul. In the same sense as the world needs historians-philosophers-sociologists for the history of mankind the world needs a physician-philosopher-literate for narrative medicine. Only a distinguished physician such as Dr. Sharad Paul with a sense for “stories” understands the importance of narrative medicine in improving patient-physician communication. He is the Sigmund Freud and Arthur Schnitzler of our times. I applaud everybody who supports him personally.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Kittler

Medical University of Vienna, Department of Dermatology

Dr. Sharad Paul has developed an impressive reputation as a leader in the field of dermatology, dermato-oncology and skin cancer surgery, and is regarded as unique in the field of medicine because he has mastered the ability to manage so many disciplines. He has been singled out to present his work at many critical conferences all over the world attended by leading authorities in the field. I recently invited him to chair the surgical workshops at the World Dermoscopy Congress in Vienna. He is a remarkably multitalented person. He teaches creative writing to disadvantaged children, he was appointed into the National Commission of UNESCO as literacy adviser, and he is the author of several novels…

Discover more about Dr. Sharad Paul - visit his website and discover the books, conferences, talks and media including the work he's doing through his registered charity Baci Foundation.
Dr Sharad Paul MD the genetics of health


“Suncare is the most important part of skincare”
    Dr Sharad Paul


Dr. Paul's latest book - The Genetics of Health - Our evolutionary past and genetic makeup determine how and why the body works the way it does. This book covers everything from skin and muscles, to hearts, diets, and stress management. You find more about it  here.

You can also find out more about Dr. Paul's GT21 RxEvolution DNA Gene Test - Get healthy scientifically.
Discover the benefits of DNA testing 21 of your key genes that can help you optimize your diet to suit your body.

Find out more here.

Allanah Knight, Nurse Manager

Registered nurse - University of Auckland, 2004, with a Bachelor of Nursing

Post-operative patients, surgical assistance and wound care management.

Alison Murray, Receptionist 

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Clinic location: 271A Blockhouse Bay Road, Auckland.

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Procedures - enquire, discuss, understand

The Skin Surgery Clinic offers a wide range of services for skin and skin cancers, and will consult with you throughout all phases of any procedure you may require. Keeping you informed about your skin or dermatological procedure is our paramount concern. 

Wellness Through Skin


Mole and spot checks - identification and information (onsite checks available for high-risk industries, call to discuss)

Skin Surgery

Removal and testing of suspect lesions, moles and cancers (Basal, Squamous, Melanoma)


Cosmetic removal of moles and blemishes; treatments for skin conditions

Skin Health

Skin scans to assess skin health and sunscreens / serums for skin protection / rejuvenation

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© 2018 Dr Sharad Paul, Skin Surgery Clinic

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